Friday, June 11, 2021

Solr 6 Java version upgrade from Jdk1.8.0_161 to Jdk-11.0.11 on centos platform


Follow the steps given below to upgrade the SOLR 6.x Java version:

  • Stop Solr instance if running already

$ sudo systemctl stop solr


# If system service is not configured then use following command:


$ sudo /opt/solr/bin/solr stop -all

  • Take backups in case something happens after upgrade, so you have a copy of previous setup
    • Take backup of /opt/solr/bin directory into a backup directory. E.g. ‘/home/alfweb/solrbackups’

# Create a backup directory if not already available.


$ sudo mkdir /home/alfweb/solrbackups


# Create a zip package of ‘/opt/solr/bin’ directory and move to solr backup directory


$ sudo zip -r /home/alfweb/solrbackups/ /opt/solr/bin


    • Take backup of /opt/solr/server/solr directory which contains configs and indexes for cores created under ‘solr’ directory. If this directory contains indexes then they will also be backed up.

# Create a zip package of ‘/opt/solr/server/solr’ directory and move to solr backup directory


$ sudo zip -r /home/alfweb/solrbackups/ /opt/solr/server/solr


    • Take backup of index data directory, If data directory is mounted at some different location other than ‘/opt/solr/server/solr’ directory which is usually default directory for configs and indexes.

# For example if solr index data directory is in ‘/var/solr/data’ directory then :


$ sudo zip -r /home/alfweb/solrbackups/ /var/solr/data


  • Install Java 11 (this is open jdk version of java 11 installation) using repository if server can connect to internet
    • Update packages, it is a best practice to start with an updated operating system before installing a package. If you have not done so, use the following command to update OS and reboot:

$ sudo yum update -y

$ sudo reboot 

    • Update packages, it is a best practice to start with an updated operating system before installing a package. If you have not done so, use the following command to update OS and reboot:

$ sudo yum install java-11-openjdk-devel

    • This will install java11 in following directory: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11
    • Run following command to check what is the default java version 


$ sudo yum java -version


If you see java version other than java-11, then you can switch and set the default version as java-11. Run the following command: 

 $ sudo alternatives --config java

This will prompt you to select the version you want to set as default. Select a number from the list, e.g. if java-11 is at number 2, then type '2' and press enter. Revalidate the java version again.

  • Go to Solr installation directory i.e. “/opt/solr” and take a backup of “” file. 

$ sudo cp /opt/solr/bin/ /opt/solr/bin/

# If you used “” script to install solr, then it will create a default ‘’ file under ‘/etc/default/’ directory. In order to update the JVM parameter, you have to edit ‘/etc/default/’ file. Take the backup of default file:

$ sudo cp /etc/default/ /etc/default/

  • Open the “” file in edit mode and update the following:

$ sudo vim /opt/solr/bin/

# If you used “” script to install solr, then it will create a default ‘’ file under ‘/etc/default/’ directory. In order to update the JVM parameter, you have to edit ‘/etc/default/’ file.

$ sudo vim /etc/default/


#Comment out SOLR_HEAP variable



#Uncomment SOLR_JAVA_MEM variable and set the value accordingly based on data/indexes and available memory. Note that, set the memory as per your need.

SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xms4g -Xmx4g"


#Comment out existing GC_LOG_OPTS and GC_TUNE variables and add new variable with same name and new values

################################ SOLR 6.1 Java 11 Upgrade GC_LOG_OPTS settings [Start] ################

#Comment out existing settings and set the variable with updated parameters per java11. 


#Make sure logs directory is present and correct, some setups specially production setup doesn’t keep logs under ‘/opt/solr/server/logs directory’ (this is default directory for logs), instead logs are configured to be written under ‘/var/solr/logs’ directory. In this case update the path for GC_LOG_OPTS file parameter.

################################ SOLR 6.1 Java 11 Upgrade GC_LOG_OPTS settings [End] ##################

################################ SOLR 6.1 Java 11 Upgrade GC_TUNE settings [Start] ################

# Comment out existing setting and set the variable with updated parameters per java11. The below params are optimized for the system I worked with, you can set the params as per your need if planning to use G1GC

GC_TUNE="-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=2m -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=70 -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -XX:+DisableExplicitGC"


Instructions for G1HeapRegionSize:

Heap Size


< 4GB












################################ SOLR 6.1 Java 11 Upgrade GC_TUNE settings [End] ##################


  • Save the file and Restart the solr

$ sudo systemctl restart solr 

# If system service is not configured then use following command:

$ sudo -u solr /opt/solr/bin/solr restart -all

  • Validate the java version in SOLR Admin.

Setup solr as a service (If not already setup):

  • Create a service named solr.service under /etc/systemd/system directory
  • Follow the below given instructions to create and start the service.

$ sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/solr.service

# Add the below instructions to solr.service unit


Description=Sitecore8 search service



ExecStart=/opt/solr/bin/solr start -all


ExecStop=/opt/solr/bin/solr stop -all






# Reload daemon

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

# Start and enable solr to automatically start at boot time

$ sudo systemctl start solr

$ sudo systemctl enable solr

# Check status

$ sudo systemctl status solr

Useful resources:

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